Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki


Level 3 Melee NPC (Standard)

Species: Evocii
Gender: Male
Health: 120
Planet: Hutta
Region: Nem'ro's Palace
Homeworld: Hutta
Status: Alive
Introduced: Star Wars: The Old Republic

Morsel is a male Evocii encountered by Imperial player characters on the planet Hutta. Morsel was selected by Nem'ro the Hutt to oversee the Hutt's enforcers at the Evocii Work Camp outside Jiguuna.[1]


Morsel was hand-picked by Nem'ro the Hutt to serve as Administrator for a work camp outside the walls of Jiguuna. Morsel's duties include keeping the Hutt's enforcers in line, but the Evocii is shown little respect by the Humans in Nem'ro's employ.[1]

Begins missions
Sith Empire [4] A Slight Lean

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