Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki
Hadra's Defeat

Level 13 mission
Area 4

Planet [[Dromund Kaas]]
Area [[Hadra's Encampment]]
Start [[Hadra's Encampment]]
End Mission Dropbox

Hadra's Defeat is a level 13 area mission available to characters belonging to the Sith Empire. It is obtained on Dromund Kaas by entering Hadra's Encampment. It is recommended to have 4 players to complete this mission.


The Sith Lord Darth Hadra has made a play for power in the Upper Wilds, laying claim to a trove of relics that rightfully must be turned over to the Empire. This disloyalty cannot go unpunished.

The hoarded relics can be found in Hadra's encampment due south of Kaas City. Defeat Hadra's forces and search storage containers to recover the relics.

~ Star Wars: The Old Republic, Hadra's Defeat mission description



  • 6875 XP
  • Credit 720

Provided Rewards:


A prerequisite class mission must be completed before this mission will be offered:

  • Sith Empire Icon class imperialagent [12] Dark Meeting
  • Sith Empire Icon class bountyhunter [9] A Musty Trail
  • Sith Empire Icon class sithinquisitor [11] At the Foot of the Colossus
  • Sith Empire Icon class sithwarrior [12] Pull the Plug

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