Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki


  • Choice: "Sand Demon blocking way to Shock Drum. What Brrik and you doing about it?"
Light Side Icon +50 and Affection Gain +15 with Kira Carsen or T7-O1 "You stay right here."
Affection Gain -1 with Kira Carsen or T7-O1 "Create a distraction for me."
  • Choice: "Brrik hating to argue, but Brrik not wanting being dead. You having backup plan?"
Dark Side Icon +50 and Affection Gain -1 with Kira Carsen or T7-O1 "Don't you want a reward?"
Dark Side Icon +50 and Affection Gain -1 with Kira Carsen or T7-O1 "You'll help me or else."

General Var Suthra[]

  • Choice: "He mentioned your name. Anything I should know?"
Affection Gain +15 with T7-O1 "Treat him well."
Affection Gain +15 with Kira Carsen "Keep an eye on him."

Master Bela Kiwiiks[]

  • Choice: "Orgus's Padawan... but I left you on Coruscant. What's happened?"
Affection Gain +40 with Kira Carsen or Affection Gain +15 with T7-O1 "Save your strength."
Affection Gain -1 with T7-O1 or Affection Gain -30 with Kira Carsen "Pull yourself together."
  • Choice: "Sustaining the trance cost me greatly. My strength is a fraction of what it was."
Affection Gain +40 with Kira Carsen or Affection Gain +15 with T7-O1 "Rest easy, Master Kiwiiks."
Affection Gain +40 with Kira Carsen or Affection Gain +15 with T7-O1 "You could use a doctor."
Affection Gain -1 with Kira Carsen "Teach me this trance."
  • Choice: "I will see to the Shock Drum. You should return to your ship and inform General Var Suthra what's happened."
Affection Gain +15 with Kira Carsen or T7-O1 "Is it safe to leave you?"
Affection Gain -1 with Kira Carsen "Don't fail me."
  • Choice: "You are exactly who I think--a strong, capable young woman. One day, you'll be a great Jedi."
Affection Gain +40 with Kira Carsen "I agree."
Affection Gain -1 with Kira Carsen "We'll see about that."
Affection Gain -1 with Kira Carsen "Then take her off my hands."

Seismologist Hare'en[]

  • Choice: "begged you to protect them--and you used them as cannon fodder!"
Affection Gain +15 with Kira Carsen or T7-O1 "I used poor judgment."
Affection Gain -1 with Kira Carsen or T7-O1 "Don't question me."