Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki
Darth Zhorrid Arrives

Level 16 mission
Imperial Agent Class Mission

Planet [[Dromund Kaas]]
Area [[Dark Temple]]
Start [[Keeper]]
End [[Holoterminal]]
Previous Sith Empire Icon class imperialagent [16] Cleaning Up the Mess
Next Sith Empire Icon class imperialagent [15] Be the Enemy
Sith Empire Icon class imperialagent [21] Closing the Deal

Darth Zhorrid Arrives is a level 16 class mission available to Imperial Agents. It is obtained on Dromund Kaas by speaking with Keeper at the Imperial Intelligence Headquarters.


Imperial Intelligence has given you a new mission: Eliminate the Eagle's galaxy-spanning terrorist network. Equipped with a new rank and your own ship, you will dismantle the terror cells one at a time.

Use your ship's holoterminal to check in with Imperial Intelligence headquarters on the status of your target list.

~ Star Wars: The Old Republic, Darth Zhorrid Arrives mission description



  • Credit 510
  • 4718 XP

Select One Reward:

Mission chain[]

  1. Icon class imperialagent [9] The Path Leads to Dromund Kaas
  2. Icon class imperialagent [12] The Slave's Secret
    • Icon class imperialagent [9] Understanding Intelligence (Bonus)
  3. Icon class imperialagent [12] Dark Meeting
  4. Icon class imperialagent [13] High Society
  5. Icon class imperialagent [16] Doom and the Dark Temple
  6. Icon class imperialagent [16] Cleaning Up the Mess
  7. Icon class imperialagent [16] Darth Zhorrid Arrives

External links[]
