Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki

Template:ArticleBorder Template:NPCInfoBox"Lefty" Grandarak is a male arcona smuggler encountered on Carrick Station, the space station that serves as the command center for the Republic Fleet. Lefty is being hunted by the crime lord Rogun the Butcher.[1]


Smugglers tend to look out for one another, especially if they're being hunted by the same person. "Lefty" Grandarak managed to cross a crime lord known as Rogun the Butcher. News has arrived on Carrick Station indicating that another smuggler has also landed himself on Rogun's hit list. Grandarak is willing to share some of his tricks and experiences with this young smuggler.[1]

Mission objective
Galactic Republic [10] Smuggler

External links



  1. 1.0 1.1 Star Wars: The Old Republic. (2011). Advanced Training: Smuggler. Retrieved December 23, 2011.

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