Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki
Operation Rising Fury

Level 36 mission
Repeatable Mission

Start Personal Ship
Experience 5 - 14790 XP
Rewards Medallion 8 Fleet Commendation
Credit 4068


Quest Log[]

Repeatable - This mission can be repeated once per day. It is reset in the morning.

[Repeatable: Daily]

The Republic grows bolder by the hour. Despite a strict cease-fire. Republic bombers have attacked a key Imperial manufacturing station.
The Republic shirks responsibility. It has pledged not to retaliate if we strike at the offending bombers-a sacrifice to preserve the peace.
The mission demands the Empire's Fury. Lead your squadron to the Skaross system in the distant Outer Rim. Destroy the Republic bombers and save the station.

Imperial fighters have lured a Republic border patrol from the safety of Republic space.
The border patrol has entered the ice rings of the planet Mugaar. Its communications are jammed, allowing for its discreet elimination.
The Empire's Fury is needed for this delicate mission. Navigate the ice rings of Mugaar in the seat of the Empire and destroy the border patrol before the Republic knows it is missing.

